Meat Fish Pate Spreadable Delicious Food Spices Mięso ryby pasztety smarowidła pyszne jedzenie przyprawy Viande Poisson Épices Tartinable Rillettes
Rillettes d'oie 80% bol plastique 1kg
SKU: B004624
- RILLET Rillettes z gęsi 80% w plastikowej misce 1kg
- Goose rillettes (shredded, potted meat) 80% plastic bowl 1kg
The French is a preservation method similar to confit where meat is seasoned then slow cooked submerged in fat and cooked at a grandmotherly pace for several hours. The meat is shredded and packed into sterile containers covered in fat. Delicious on some French baguette with Cornichons.